Overload protection of circuits against short-circuit currents and overload currents resulting from defective equipment. Isolating 2 poles and switchable/resettable.
Circuit-breakers are used in domestic installations, as well as in commercial and industrial electrical distribution systems; and the C Curve type commonly in EVSE systems.
Tripping Curve / Characteristics:
C curve (5-10In) - Often suitable protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current
A suitable rated RCBO/RCD device may also be required in the final circuit to provide the correct level of protection whilst avoiding unnecessary tripping. Always consult wiring regulations or a electrical contractor to be sure.
Users of this product assume responsibility for the correct design and installation of their EVSE. Consult theEcoharmonywebsite or an electrical contractor if needed.Ecoharmony will not be held liable for injury to living creatures nor damage to property arising from incorrect use of this product.
Thought I had received the wrong item but it turns out the item i had confused it with was from a different supplier. Helpful telephone call from ecoharmony quickly resolved the issue and the item correctly supplied. Good product at a great price.
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